Principelle IF® is a sterile wound dressing, comprising an inert acetate substrate impregnated with an ointmentcontaining a blend of trace elements andmedical grade honey. The formulation for dressings contains no synthetic components. Minerals, trace elements, and oxides aredirectly blended withmedical grade dark buckwheat honey.
Chronic wounds are stuck in anon-resolved cycle arising from imbalances in the levels and activity associated with moisture, proteins, ions, and bacteria.Contamination and infection further complicate healing. Some wounds (deep wounds, cavities) only allow for the application ofliquid solutions.Appropriate natural components intervene to achieve protease and pH modulation. Altering the woundbed conditions and environment guides chronicwounds back to appropriate stages of healing.Principelle IF® is a sterile wound dressing, comprising an inert acetate substrate impregnated with an ointment containing a blend of trace elements andmedical grade honey.
The formulation contains no synthetic components. Minerals, trace elements and oxides are directly blended with medical gradedark buckwheat honey. The formulation is gradually released onto the wound surface after dressing application. Products are sterilised by Gammaradiation. The process of mixing components is done to an unusual high standard.Principelle IF® medical grade honey wound dressing is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic wounds, including contaminated and infectedwounds. It may be used on moderatelyexuding, lightly exuding and dry wounds. With a suitable secondary dressing it can also be used on heavily exudingwounds. Depending on the wound type it may be covered by traditional dressings, a special film dressing, a foam or alginate dressing, or PrincipelleMatrix.